Monday, July 6, 2020

# Guest Posts

Back Story: THE CHRISTIAN CHRISTMAS CONDITION by Scott Rankin #Christian #backstory

Let God show you Christmas

By Scott Rankin

To recap, we say all those things, and yet - there is still something so many of us are still missing… what is it? Let me start from the beginning.

Look carefully and you can see the world’s imprint on how you think, speak, act, and experience the holidays.  We’ve been conditioned.  We begin by saying, Merry Christmas!  Happy holidays!  Did you get all your Christmas shopping done?  What’s your family doing for the break?  All of these are jolly conversation ice-breakers no deeper than the thin shell of ice we just broke with a gleeful greeting.  These phrases are from the world, but does anyone frequently dive deeper than these moments of shallow conversation and really plunge deep into a Christmas discussion the way God wishes we would?  What is there to know?

So we say, Jesus is the reason for the season.  We say Christmas has become so commercialized and we need to get back to the real meaning of Christmas.  We need to bring Christ back into Christmas.  Why?  Does it make us feel better?  Is it even about us?  Yes, maybe?  Knowing Jesus came to this world to save us can deliver a wonderful amount of peace, but are there opportunities of giving God a larger amount of acknowledgement and glory He desires or deserves that we might be missing?

Then we say, Christmas is the perfect opportunity to spread the gospel.  We should be seeing more of a Savior in Christmas rather than a helpless baby, seeing more of God, or seeing both.  But is that everything?  We say using Santa Claus, his elves, and his reindeer more to segue into the story of a loving Lord with the greatest gift can help further the kingdom.  But is that the very best approach?  Answer these questions correctly and you could help win or strengthen the souls of many.

What do you think?  What does your preacher, pastor or bible study leader think? What do your friends think? Because we’ve tried to answer these questions ourselves from our own viewpoint, we’ve been missing the real point all along.  But when we ask God to show us from His viewpoint, all becomes crystal clear and has so much more meaning, it also becomes much more effective and glorifying to Him.  So why don’t we ask Him, “God, what do you think?”

Are we missing the mark in any way through our Christmas celebration traditions?  We try so hard to verbalize our own solutions to the situation, but God has something important to say which can help us see things from His perspective.

We spend too much time talking and not enough listening to our shepherd.  To recap, we say all those things, and yet - there is still something so many of us are still missing… what is it?  The Christian Christmas Condition guides us through God’s word to let Him tell us and show us His holy perspective on our current Christmas activities, trends and traditions.  If we listen to God’s viewpoint, we won’t miss anything.

No matter what the world has conditioned us to think, see, act like, God’s truth can help us see things from His holy perspective and in turn, get us out of the condition we are in!  And that, my friends, is the invitation to experience… (you guessed it) God’s “Un-Conditional” love!!

Enjoy the book and when you share it with friends and family, try not to give away the secret ending!

Be blessed,
Scott (author)

About the Author

Scott Rankin graduated with a degree in music education and spent his 20’s and 30’s as a successful music director, visual designer for marching groups, and a professional clinician for high school and college music programs.

In 2009 he was injured in a bicycle accident where he was instantly paralyzed. Today as a healing quadriplegic, Scott’s passion for teaching has been re-focused from music to writing Christian books and public speaking.

Scott Rankin is a gifted educator and effective public speaker. His ability to take complex subject matter, break it into bite-size pieces, and re-assemble those through simple, logical, and enjoyable teaching techniques makes his material easy to understand and hard to forget!



About the Book:
Our Lord desires that we become more Christ-like every day (1 Corinthians 11:1). To accomplish this goal, He tells us to renew our minds (Romans 12:2).  But how do the Christmas holidays help accomplish this goal when all the busyness and stress makes it hard to focus all our attention on Christ and rest in His peace?  In an easy-to-read format, The Christian Christmas Condition asks the question, “How does our Lord feel about Christmas today?” encouraging Christians of all ages to examine Christmas-time traditions from God’s perspective.  Filled with bible references, this study will boost your faith, increase your knowledge, and strengthen you to fully honor Jesus in the midst of Christmas, traditions, and busy holiday activities.  This powerful book further encourages all Christians to become more Christ-like in our thinking and our actions each, and every day of the year… not just in the winter holidays!


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