Tuesday, April 12, 2022

# 20 Questions

20 Questions with Winona Kent, Author of 'Ticket to Ride' #20Questions @winonakent


Today's guest is Winona Kent, author of the mystery / amateur sleuth novel, TICKET TO RIDE. Winona is here to give you the lowdown of her life, writing and goals. 


1. Are you a morning writer or a night writer?

I used to be a night writer! Very late at night. But that was when I had a full-time job in an office completely unrelated to writing. I retired from that job in October 2019, and

became a full-time writer instead. And I was very pleasantly surprised to learn that, after decades of writing my best fiction at midnight, my best work was actually done starting at about 10 o’clock in the morning. It’s a habit I started when I retired, and I’ve stuck with it.

2. Do you outline or are you a pantster?

I very definitely outline. I learned how to write outlines when I went to Vancouver Film School many years ago (I also learned how to write scripts and screenplays), and it’s a skill that has stayed with me. I use a couple of different outlining programs but my favorite at the moment is Plottr. The beauty of outlines is that they’re flexible – you can always change them. And mine very definitely change between the start of a new novel, and the end, six drafts later.

3. Which comes first – plot or character?
In the case of my Jason Davey Mysteries, very definitely the character, because I’m writing a series. But I’m always on the lookout for intriguing plots to involve him in. I was just in England and took the opportunity to go up The Shard. That’s going to be the start of my next WIP.

4. Noise or quiet when working on your manuscript?
I used to be very good at filtering out noise and concentrating on my work, but I’ve found as I’ve got older, that skill is leaving me. Now I very definitely need to be surrounded by quiet, especially when I’m working on a first draft.

5. Favorite TV show?
I love English police procedurals and mysteries. They don’t necessarily have to be up-to-date. My favorite tv show at the moment is old episodes of Foyles War, which are set in Hastings, England, during WW2. I’ve just had the opportunity to see the entire series, from beginning to end. And I love it.

6. Favorite type of music?
I literally became aware of myself as a person when I was about 10 years old, in 1964. I had a transistor radio as my constant companion, so my favorite music is stuff that came with the British Invasion in the 1960s. And some Canadian and American music from around that time too. I love twangy surf guitar instrumentals.

7. Favorite craft besides writing?
I’m ashamed to admit that I enjoy knitting. When I’m trying to concentrate on story ideas, I knit hats. I have a whole collection of them—some of them are quite beautiful. My other favorite past-time is something that Jason Davey, my main character, shares with me –family tree research. I did the DNA test and discovered I have about 4,359 cousins I’ve never heard of. That kind of thing fascinates me. And I’m going to research all of them.

8. Do you play a musical instrument?
I used to. When I was a kid I took formal piano lessons for four years, music theory, recitals, music festivals, the whole experience. That knowledge has come in very handy many times when I write about Jason and his musical background. I also took informal guitar lessons in high school.

9. Single or married?
Married, for more than 40 years. A rare thing these days.

10. Children or no?
No children, by choice.

11. Pets?
We used to have a couple of cats named Motor Purr and Cat Stevens. They were indoor apartment dwellers and lived into their 20s. Now I spend my days watching hummingbirds at my feeder, which is seven stories up in the air on my balcony. I sort-of consider them my pets, even though they’re very fickle and sometimes go for days without visiting.

12. Favorite place to write?
I’m very specific about where I write – I have to be comfortable and surrounded by familiarity. So I alternate between my desk in the living room, and my desk in the bedroom—depending on which place is most quiet.

13. Favorite restaurant?
Anywhere that serves sushi.

14. Do you work outside the home?
I used to. As I mentioned above, I worked full-time all of my adult life. My most recent job was as an Admin Assistant at the University of British Columbia. I looked after Masters and PhD Students in the School of Population and Public Health. Which is basically the study of epidemiology – diseases in populations. Very relevant these days.

15. What was the name of the last movie you saw?
House of Gucci.

16. Favorite outdoor activity?
Walking on the boardwalk along the Fraser River near my apartment.

17. Pet peeve?
Stupid, misinformed people who are driven by selfishness and a limited capacity to understand that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, to quote Spock from one of the Star Trek movies.

18. Your goal in life?
I think I reached it 2019. To become a full-time writer. I’m enjoying it very much.

19. Your most exciting moment?
Attending a Paul McCartney live gig at BC Place Stadium a couple of years ago. He was one of my childhood musical heroes and I’d never had the opportunity to see him perform in person until then. Although in 1968 I did have a magical moment in London when I was in the crowd at Piccadilly Circus when all four Beatles arrived for the premiere of their movie Yellow Submarine at the London Pavilion. I saw him then. But he wasn’t performing—he was just getting out of a taxi and walking into the theatre.

20. The love of your life?
My husband of more than 40 years, Jim Goddard.

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