Monday, July 4, 2022

# 20 Questions

20 Questions with Susan Berry, Author of 'Promise of the Heart' #20Questions

Today's guest is Susan Berry, author of the clean romance, Promise of the Heart. Susan is here today to answer 20 questions about her life, writing and goals.

1. Are you a morning writer or a night writer?

Susan: I am both. Throughout the day, when I’m writing a manuscript, I am constantly thinking about my characters and where I’ve left them. So anytime I envision forward momentum in their lives, I sit down to write.

2. Do you outline or are you a pantster?

Susan: I am most definitely a panster. I’ve tried to make an outline before and I felt constricted. I like to let my imagination loose and my characters lead the way.

3. Which comes first – plot or character?

Susan: This is a fun question as I’ve never really thought about which comes first. And I Think my answer is both with a heavy leaning for character. Each time I start writing a manuscript, I envision a character.

4. Noise or quiet when working on your manuscript?

Susan: When I’m working on a manuscript, I prefer quiet. My mind tends to wander especially if I’m listening to music and I'll find myself singing instead of writing! But when I have writer's block, listening to music helps me clear my mind so I can go back to my manuscript with a fresh outlook.

5. Favorite TV show?

Susan: This is a fun question. I really love to watch baking shows. I’m in awe of how creative bakers are and secretly wish I had that talent. My favorite is when they make cake to look like everyday items in our lives like hamburgers or handbags. It’s just incredible!

6. Favorite type of music?

Susan: I don’t really have a favorite type of music. On any given day you could stop by my house and hear rock ‘n’ roll, country, or pop hits of the 90s. I grew up in a singing family, (my uncle and his son both sing opera) so music has always been part of my life. And not much in life is more freeing than singing at the top of your lungs in your house…Even if it’s out of tune!

7. Favorite craft besides writing?

Susan: I am embarrassed to admit it, but I really don’t have a favorite craft as I’m not very talented when it comes to creating things with my hands. My grandmother used to try to teach me how to knit, but it was a disaster as nothing ever turned out to look like it was supposed to. I found painting enjoyable, but my finished canvas always looks like they'd been painted by a five-year-old. The last craft I attempted was with my nine-year-old niece, who tried to teach me the fine art of crocheting a blanket. By the time I’d finished something that resembled a lopsided doily, to my relief, she suggested we stop. And she now uses “my blanket” to dust her room.

8. Do you play a musical instrument?

Susan: I used to play the flute in high school and the guitar when my children were younger. To me, playing an instrument is one of life’s greatest pleasures and I wish the schools would fund music. It’s important for our children to have creative outlets.

9. Single or married?

Susan: I’m single.

10. Children or no?

Susan: I have three children. Two girls and a boy.

11. Pets?

Susan: Yes. I have a 10 year old lab named Max.

12. Favorite place to write?

Susan: my favorite place to write is in my living room looking out my picture window.

13. Favorite restaurant?

Susan: My favorite restaurant is Olive Garden as I love Italian food.

14. Do you work outside the home?

Susan: Not anymore since an accident left me a paraplegic. But I am so blessed to have so much time to write.

15. What was the name of the last movie you saw?

Susan: The last movie I saw was last night on Amazon. It was called “Arrival” and was about a linguist who tries to communicate with aliens who have come to earth.

16. Favorite outdoor activity?

Susan: My favorite outdoor activity used to be gardening. Both my grandmother and mother were expert gardeners. I get such a thrill out of seeing plants flourish and nothing more satisfying than eating something you’ve grown yourself.

17. Pet peeve?

Susan: Mean people. In every instance in our lives is an opportunity to choose if we are going to be negative or positive. It is heartbreaking to me to see how horrible society treats each other.

Imagine if kindness ruled our lives how wonderful it would be.

18. Your goal in life?

Susan: My goal in life is to be a good mother and be grateful for all I have while pursuing the things that make me happy.

19. Your most exciting moment?

Susan: Other than the birth of my children, the most exciting moment was when I saw my first novel in print.

20. The love of your life?

Susan: The love of my life is my children. What a blessing it has been to watch them grow up into caring, successful, intelligent adults. I love them all deeply.

Thank you for having me. My wish is for each of you to find happiness in your lives and to have the opportunity to celebrate those moments with the people you love.


Since Susan Berry was a young girl, she loved to write. Her imagination was filled with stories that she couldn’t write down fast enough. But it wasn’t until her grandmother had given her a Harlequin romance novel to occupy her time on a long, boring car ride, that she fell in love with reading romance. The excitement of the characters first meeting, and the dance of the heart that followed, left Susan frantically turning pages. From that day on, Susan spent her free time with her beloved grandmother, reading the latest novels they’d retrieved from a used book store, or the local second hand shop. That reading eventually turned into the writing of her own romance novels. Novels filled with characters who have not yet found love, but eventually find a way to overcome romantic troubles with humor, wit, and the consumption of lots and lots of chocolate.

Susan’s latest book is the clean romance suspense, Promise of the Heart.

You can visit her website at   or connect with her on TwitterFacebook and Goodreads.


Author: Susan Berry
Publisher: Independent
Pages: 203
Genre: Clean Romance

Book Blurb:

After a distasteful first meeting, and a rocky start to their romance, Maggie Kinsley has been happily married to Desmond for the last eleven months. And although she was often alone when he traveled for business, she rather enjoyed how he passionately greeted her when returning home.

So when he received a letter naming him as executor of a property that belonged to a deceased family friend and had to leave for a few weeks, Maggie should have been content as she kissed him goodbye. But there was something about the whole thing that made her uneasy. Why was Desmond so evasive with her when she asked him about the previous owner. And why had he insisted she not tell anyone of his plans to stay on the property. Maggie soon found the answers to her questions were more than just a woman’s intuition, but rather something that not even her wildest, darkest fears could have foreseen.

“I so enjoyed the long awaited final book to the trilogy the author so lovingly created. Maggie’s story has a wonderful ending and she’ll be in my heart and mind for a long time.” – Amazon

Book Information

Release Date: February 21, 2022

Publisher:  Independent

Soft Cover: ISBN: 979-8420398647; 203 pages; $6.99; E-Book, $1.99


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